What We

what we promise
Souhail and Robin
what we promise
what we promise
what we promise

We are a compassionate and happy family

Above all, we will always love and cherish all our children and provide them with all the support they need. As well as you will always be in our heart.

  • Help our kids find and follow their dreams
  • Teach them how to show others love and kindness
  • Celebrate diversity and the fusion of ideas, cultures and friends!
  • Help our children develop self-confidence, know themselves and know what’s right for them
  • To have fun and create a home that is full of love and laughter
  • Explore the world as a family
  • Give the children space to develop their own path in life
  • Always be there for each other: family first!

We are established and can afford the child a happy and resourceful life

At this point in our lives, we have the financial, emotional stability and the network of family and friends we wanted so we can grow our family.

We pay attention to our values, and we balance our family and work to fuel our success. Both Robin and Souhail lead teams at work and empower their employees to make quality decisions through coaching.

We are techy, and support businesses through a combination of empathy and technical know-how.

care the child
care the child

We have a network of support to care and love the child

All our family members and friends are very supportive with our decision to adopt children, and we love them for that.

Our friends Colleen, Jim, Moade, and others supported our decision and stepped right up to help us with the home study, without hesitation or doubt. Others offered to volunteer their time for research, babysitting and much more. Our friends and family are fully supportive of the adoption process and want a safe, fun and loving environment for their children and ours.

Souhail’s family may live in Morocco but we video chat with them all the time! We have family gatherings every year with both families. That means our baby will too! We can’t wait to have the experience together, and have Riham, our niece play with her cousin.

our relationship
our relationship
our relationship

Fun is Fundamental in Our Relationship

And yes, there is also trust, respect, and support. We like to share our thoughts and get feedback. We love using whiteboards for brainstorming, and strategizing. Yet, many times we just enjoy going with the flow, and be flexible. Robin mentors Souhail’s business as often as needed. And Souhail manages Robin’s professional portfolio and pages.

But honestly, and we can't help it; we like to be goofy, silly, and most importantly we love water guns, nerf guns, video games, card games, board games, books and comics, sports, and backyard play time.

Let's Connect

Thank you for getting the time to get to know us.

We would love the opportunity to connect with you and help each other afford our child the best life they should have. If you want to talk more regarding the adoption process or have any questions for us, please contact our caseworker at AdoptHelp by calling 1-800-637-7999, or reach out directly via the next form.

No matter what you choose, we hope for peace and happiness for you. We have you in our hearts and minds! Should you choose us, we promise ourselves to make learning and exploring the world top priorities for our family. Knowledge is a right not a privilege, and being enlightened is the true essence of freedom and accomplishment.

Traveling is a joy, a holiday and it's a human right. Our pet reminds us to have fun and walk frequently. Music teaches us coordination and listening to one another. Shopping is an exercise for those who don't feel like working out with the bonus of new cool outfits!


You can help us find our starfish